951-605-9267 for personal health care via massage
951-605-9267 for personal health care via massage
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This page is to help you navigate your body as I update this work in progress Tableau Public Desktop Server database to help you as I run through my notes in medical school for doing just that as a chiropractor. I have more to add but for now explore your skeletal muscle and common chiropractic assessments you can use on yourself for educational purposes to explore your health as well as loved ones or for understanding your own body and how palpating your body is able to produce noticeable results to diagnose if your in good health. There is a body region filter you can use, or just go through these databases to explore by body region and assessments in physical examination. For best view and to get full functionality, go to the bottom of each dashboard and 'view on Tableua Public' as is much faster, interactive, and inside the html script below there are many items missing. Best viewed on a desktop PC or laptop rather than a cellphone.
The Massage Negotiator
1973 Foothill Parkway, suite 110, PMB 2, Corona, CA 92881