951-605-9267 for personal health care via massage
951-605-9267 for personal health care via massage
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Traditional spa or clinic massage with hands, palms, elbows, forearms of massage therapist used with glides and varying pressure applied along the muscle fibers of the body with varying amounts of pressure to get up to deeper layers of the body while avoiding causing pain to the client and avoiding discomfort to the client. Avoids massaging fast and avoids choppy short motions that disrupt relaxation, but at the same rhythm to promote relaxation and calm the nervous system. Traditional Swedish Massage includes effleurage, petrissage, kneading, tapotement, thumb/knuckle/fist stripping, and modifications to those core techniques.
Benefits: improves tight muscles, loosens tight muscle fascia, improves circulation, improves relaxation, improves immunity, improves sleep, improves range of motion
Contraindications: dehydration, fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, aneurism history, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing
Possible negative side effects: if no contraindications for massage exist in client, can make client tired
Massage that is focused on sports related discomforts around tendons and tight muscles to improve muscle recovery or improve muscle performance, improve range of motion, can include stretching and percussion and can be combined with other massage modalities like hot stone therapy, cold stone therapy, aromatherapy, cupping therapy, stretching with active or passive or resisted range of motion AROM/PROM/RROM, massage hyperpercussion therapy, cold transcutaneous soothing pain relief gel, craniosacral therapy, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, sports , cross fiber friction massage (XFT), trigger point therapy (TrP), myofascial release technique (MRT), post-isometric relaxation with reciprocal inhibition (PIR-RI) also called contraction relax angonist contract (CRAC), and deep tissue massage.
Benefits: improves healing from sports or work related muscle and tendon pains and discomforts, relaxing, improves range of motion, improves flexibility, improves immunity, improves sleep, improves workouts, improves muscle strength, improves muscle recovery, helps prevent muscle strain, helps prevent tendon inflammation, helps prevent injury, helps muscle performance
Contraindications: dehydration, fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, pregnant, aneurism history, cancer, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing, heart disease, circulatory problems, blood pressure problems, blood clots, blood embolisms, thrombosis
Possible negative side effects: can cause muscle soreness for a few days from breaking apart adhesions and pressure used
Massage focused on superficial muscles and lymphatic system of the body to drain edema or excess fluid retention from the limbs to the torso or heart to be eliminated, it is rhythmic and slower to align with the lymphatic system of lymph nodes that runs along the circulatory system to clean the blood and improve immunity as well as sometimes elevate the limbs to help with drainage of excess water in the limbs from surgery, cancer, or other health related conditions as long as not a contraindication or client has a doctor's approval. HOW IT WORKS: service to enhance lymphatic drainage by activating the Merkel and Rufini nerve fibers that detect insect vibration at the highest levels of subcutaneous tissue to stimulate the immune response of macrophages and monocytes in the lymph nodes adjacent to tissue to release and break down protein wastes in the interstitial soft tissue that is causing excess fluid retention in peripheral edema and post surgical cases. This is great to help relieve the body of excess edema in limbs and to feel less bloated and more energized, and to increase healing outcomes and speed up healing. This is a very light massage and uses only light pressure, anything more than light pressure will not activate the light pressure receptors and will activate deep pressure (paccinian nerve fibers) and other general proprioceptive nerve sensory fibers that will release more wastes into interstitial cells and fluid. Not intended for those who want more pressure than light, are ticklish, or have itchy skin that cannot handle light finger fat pad effleurage strokes gliding over the skins surface rhythmically and repetitively for an hour covering the skin's surface as the strokes are made towards the lymph nodes of body and toward the heart. This is great in combination with infrared light therapy, dry brushing, guasha face massage, or reflexology add-on services.
Benefits: improves circulation, helps in removing excess edema or water retained in areas of the body, helps aid the lymphatic system to move excess fluids out of the body
Contraindications: dehydration, fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, pregnant, on wound, pregnant, heart condition, aneurism history, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing
Possible negative side effects: client could get dizzy or feel nauseous if he or she has an underlying health condition such as a circulatory problem, blood disorder, blockage somewhere in the body
Swedish massage up to medium pressure or middle muscle layers to help relax client going through body changes due to pregnancy and associated aches in the feet, low back, and upper back, avoids the joints and major artery sites of client, client cannot be a high risk pregnancy or within the first trimester unless not a high risk and has had massage regularly for at least one year allowing the clients body to welcome massage. Can be relaxing, helps detox stress from body, improves circulation, and other benefits of massage.
Benefits: improved circulation, better sleep, pain relief, relaxing effect, soothing effect, calming effect, improves range of motion, helps with congestion, helps detox, helps clean old bruises, modified massage if doctor approved for high risk or other health condition
Contraindications: dehydration, Be a high risk pregnancy (history of painful menstruation, history of uterine diseases such as fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, history of miscarriages, over the age of 35 and first child, diabetes, blood disorders, heart disorders) fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, aneurism history, cancer, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing
Possible negative side effects: can make client dizzy or nauseous if first massage and not familiar with massage or early stages of pregnancy and a first time pregnancy but not a high risk pregnancy
DEEP TISSUE SWEDISH: DEEP TISSUE SWEDISH: Deep Tissue massage is designed to get to the deeper layers of muscle in the back, legs, forearms, calves, and hips where layers of muscle overlay each other and can get tight and cause pain from muscle ischemia or nerve compression peripherally. This massage uses more pressure to drag the elbow tool along one attachment end to the other attachment end moving through layers of tissue like trolling the sand floor of the deep sea for sea life as metaphor. This is adequate pressure if regular medium firm pressure is not enough. Regular pressure is enough pressure to break apart a watermelon or squash a whole orange flat demonstrated as relieving tension and aches in superficial and medium to deep layers of muscle and myofascial. With this add-on deep tissue pressure, it is enough force to split open a spaghetti squash. Really great for those who are otherwise healthy and have great nerve communication for sensory to skin and musculotendinous region of ache. But in some rare cases deep tissue massage will not relieve the effects of long standing chronic pain or underlying health conditions that sensory nerve fibers for deep pressure have been removed in cosmetic procedures or metabolic diseases.
Deep tissue is not meant for people with allodynia or hypoesthesia disruptions in their nerve communication fibers, from not feeling the deep pacinian nerve fibers for deep pressure that travels up the dorsal columns white matter of spinal cord. These folks tend to feel only the lighter pressure fibers of merkel and ruffini nerve sensory fibers in cold and acute pain sensation along the lateral spinothalamic tracts of white matter. These folks have chronic pain that nags and is increased in stress and persistent external physical irritations like body ergonomics or pharmaceuticals like nerve pain relief from use of gabapentin or any opioid or muscle relaxer over prolonged times to develop this chronic pain, they may have an underlying condition that leads to hypoesthesia due to skin removal effects on dermatomes or metabolic disease that ate away at underlying subcutaneous nerve receptors as examples. It is not healthy to not have sensation or require more pressure than it takes to break apart a spaghetti squash ripe for the season as metaphor. Just like there can be motor paralysis there can be sensory paralysis, and this type of client who cannot feel deep pressure enough to split a spaghetti squash should be referred to a neurologist and have an nerve conduction velocity test and electromyogram done. Though those only test for strength in the muscle nerve impulse response, they may help understand why the sensory nerve is not feeling depths of pressure in a local region. Few massage therapists love deep tissue massage delivery as therapeutic treatment to these folks tends to lead to their burnout for not being deep enough or complaints from the client of not enough pressure though it is enough to break through a watermelon or put a dent in steel grade sheet of metal. Some clients may need to get a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test to make sure they don't have allodynia or nerve damage that is causing them to not feel any pressure. The typical clients free from allodynia enjoy the deep tissue relaxing effects as they have developed a higher tolerance to pressure over time and benefit from its use. Those clients that are searching for pain relief and want this pressure but have an underlying sensory nerve impairment will not enjoy this massage or any massage but may enjoy active and resisted body work with proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation or pain relief as distraction at the tendonous region of pain site to communicate with the GTO or golgi tendon organs for relaxation from high force muscle contraction. Also, may like cross fiber friction (XFT) massage, myofascial release technique (MRT), or Trigger Point pressure (TrP). The use of a TENS (transcutatneous electronerve stimulation) device may relieve the pain while and a few hours after use in blocking pain of those who cannot feel deep pressure.
Benefits: relief of chronic pain and nagging aches in deep muscles, increased circulation, range of motion, and pain relief.
Contraindications: allodynia, chronic pain that massage doesn't help, underlying hypertension, heart disease, anemia, skin rash or wounds, skin sensitivities, thin fragile body frames that area of pain fits all layers of muscle in 1 cm depth or similar, osteopenia, osteoporosis, metabolic disease, endocrine disease, cancer, treatment for cancer, communicable respiratory or skin disease, and against your other healthcare provider's advice.
Side Effects: may cause sinus congestion temporarily while face down or prone, may cause mild to moderate muscular aches and limited range of motion from deep muscle work similar to working out.
This massage uses hot stones that are not too hot for the massage therapist or the client, that are applied to the muscles of the back and limbs to increase circulation, relax the client, allow more deeper muscle work without pain to client, and relax the nervous system of client and can be combined with other massage modalities like hot stone therapy, cold stone therapy, aromatherapy, cupping therapy, stretching, massage hyperpercussion therapy, cold transcutaneous soothing pain relief gel, craniosacral therapy, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, sports massage, shiatsu massage, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization or IASTM tools, myofascial massage, trigger point therapy, and deep tissue massage.
Cost: $20 full body, $5 back only or one area only
Benefits: relax client, reduce stress, calming, increase healing, improve circulation, break adhesions, improve range of motion, improve sleep
Contraindications: dehydration, fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, pregnant, aneurism history, cancer, heat sensitive, sensitivity to heat, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing, heart disease, circulatory problems, blood pressure problems, blood clots, blood embolisms, thrombosis
Possible negative side effects: can burn if stones are too hot for the client, precautions are taken to prevent this from happening like transferring heat gradually with massage therapists hands to skin repeatedly until stones cooled then placing on client's skin with massage lotion or oil.
massage while client face up with focus of massage on the scalp, neck, and upper back to balance cerebrospinal fluid or CSF to restore body functions and relieve pain by rebalancing the nervous system and pumping rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid from cranium to sacrum of spine. May use neck and sacral blocks for added CSF circulatory benefits. Improves membrane tension restrictions, increases mobility in articular restrictions, improves circulation, improves autonomic tone, reduces neural entrapment, can be combined with other massage modalities like hot stone therapy, cold stone therapy, aromatherapy, dry brushing, cupping therapy, stretching, massage hyperpercussion, sacro-occipital blocks, therapy, cold transcutaneous soothing pain relief gel, craniosacral therapy, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, sports massage, shiatsu massage, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization or IASTM tools, myofascial massage, trigger point therapy, and deep tissue massage.
Benefits: headaches, scoliosis, visual disturbances, auditory disturbances, TMJ or tempro-mandibular joint discomfort, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, visceral disfunction, autonomous disfunction, some emotional disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, acute pain
Contraindications: dehydration, seizures, psychological disorders, hysterical or emotionally disturbed, unable to sit still, limbs spasm in direction of massage therapist endangering massage therapist, brain trauma history, stroke history, aneurism, herniation of medulla oblongato (Arnold-Chiari), acute cranium bleeding, wounds to area, sores in application site, fever, infection, skull trauma, skull fracture, fever, infection, nausea, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing, heart disease, circulatory problems, blood pressure problems, double vision or diplopia, vertigo when standing or moving head
Possible negative side effects: can make client dizzy or slightly disoriented if they get up too fast at the end of craniosacral massage, can give a headache if client gets up fast after craniosacral massage or during craniosacral massage or moves around during craniosacral massage
Focus of this massage is to stimulate body functions and improve health of clients who find it more relaxing to have their scalp, hands, and/or feet massaged where these areas of the body have alignments in traditional Chinese medicine to certain organs in the body reflected in locations on the feet, hands, and scalp to stimulate healing to those areas of the client's body. Historically, this type of massage was the only type of massage allowed for health monitored clients recovering or living with certain health conditions such as cancer. If no contraindications or has a doctor's note, this massage can be combined with other massage modalities like hot stone therapy, cold stone therapy, aromatherapy, cupping therapy, stretching, massage hyperpercussion therapy, biofreeze, craniosacral therapy, dry brushing, sugar foot scrub, craniosacral massage, lymphatic drainage, sports massage, shiatsu massage, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization or IASTM tools, myofascial massage, trigger point therapy, and deep tissue massage.
Benefits: relaxing, improves circulation, improves sleep, helps with pain and discomfort, increases immunity, recommended for people with pain sensitivity or people who cannot be touched because it causes discomfort by tickling, itching, or hurting them like some cases of fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain
Contraindications: dehydration, fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, , aneurism history, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing, not recommended for people who have neuropathic pain or tickling of the feet
Possible negative side effects: can make client light headed
Acupressure or small and localized pressure is applied with knuckles, thumbs, or tools to deep muscle layers along the spine and limbs or meridians of the body to promote healing of muscle aches, improve relaxation, calm nervous system, and reduce stress for repetitive cycles of 3-5 seconds with each pressure application, sometimes longer. Helps with muscle tonicity, can be adjusted to the right pressure for each client and can be combined with other massage modalities like hot stone therapy, cold stone therapy, aromatherapy, cupping therapy, stretching, massage hyperpercussion therapy, cold transcutaneous pain relief gel, craniosacral therapy, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, sports , and deep tissue massage.
Benefits: improved circulation, relaxing, detoxes, breaks apart adhesions, improves sleep, improves healing
Contraindications: dehydration, fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, aneurism history, cancer, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing, heart disease, circulatory problems, blood pressure problems, blood clots, blood embolisms, thrombosis
Possible negative side effects: can cause muscle soreness for a few days from breaking apart adhesions and pressure used.
A trigger point is a hyper-contractile ball of muscle fibers that refer pain to another area of the body while also having pain at the contact site on what is an adhesion lesion or knot. The body develops these from injury of repetitive over use, poor posture, muscle injury after remodeling, etc. and causes flare up pain and relief when massaged. To get the adhesion lesion to break apart, the belly of the lesion is pressed with a scaled 4/10 pressure to be uncomfortably painful but feel relieved as the pressure increases. The only task the client is to do is breathe deeply until the adhesion lesion knot of balled up hyper-contractile tissue stops responding. This can be done every 48 hours at the earliest and shouldn't be confused with a tender spot that is painful and has no knot associated with it nor referred pain nor radiating pain from that spot travelling to another spot on the body which could be a sign of fibromyalgia that needs a medical doctor to diagnose or a process of elimination by a DC over a minimum of 3 months to diagnose and refer out for treatment to a fibromyalgia specialist. Trigger point therapy could be done all session with each adhesion lesion that is defined as a trigger point and presents as acupressure, but is specific to each knot. This is idea if the client has trigger points and doesn't want oil or lotion used on the body and wants to remain clothed, as the trigger not is under the skin in the muscle belly or fascia surrounding muscle fibers.
Benefits: improves circulation, reduces pain, improves sleep, improves muscle recovery, breaks apart muscle fascia adhesions, increases healing, increases immunity
Contraindications: dehydration, fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, pregnant, aneurism history, cancer, osteoporosis, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing, not for people sensitive to pain, heart disease, circulatory problems, blood pressure problems, blood clots, blood embolisms, thrombosis
Possible negative side effects: can cause muscle soreness for a few days from breaking apart adhesions and pressure used
Post-Isometric Relaxation (PIR) and reciprocal inhibition (RI) is a stretch technique used to fix or realign musculature to balance out postural deficits in the body from sitting, standing, looking down or up regularly and not having the proper body mechanics for proper joint articular space circulation and muscle restrictions that cause a shortened muscle to be hypertonic and pull on its opposing muscle causing the opposing muscle to be weakened and lengthened. These PIR stretches are done per area of concern and not on a timed massage session unless scheduled in advance to have an hour of these stretches done in an hour. There is a separate form for the PIR & RI stretching massage session. This is an active client stretch/massage session that requires the person be clothed in shorts and/or sports bra if a female so that the beginning resistance for the muscle length can be assessed and used to attain the subsequent lengths of 3-5 cycles of a cycle consisting of initial stretch beginning resistance, followed by a 10-20% isometric contraction with minimal resistance applied by the massage therapist to the client's muscle, 10 full seconds of holding one's breath by client to attain isometric contraction enhancement, then 3 seconds of relaxation after the muscle contraction ends and use of exhalation by client to obtain enhanced relaxation, and a new stretch to the gained resistance in targeted muscle is obtained and held for 10 seconds. This can be done with each session and immediate gains can be seen. After 3-5 cycles of PIR, the RI is done on the antagonist muscle to 100% full contraction with perturbations applied by the massage therapist that counter the muscle direction while being contracted 100% by the client and breathing normally for a full 10 seconds. Then after 1 cycle of RI, the new length of the agonist target muscle is assessed and stretch of that muscle ends till next session.
Benefits: can be done in acute injury as it assesses the new length barrier, but not the inflammation state where the tissue is swollen, warm, or discolored. Strengthens weakened muscles due to antagonist muscle hypertonicity, aligns body to a healthy normal range of motion, improves circulation, improves body functional range of motion, such as upper cross and lower cross syndromes and forward head carriage.
contraindications: acute injury causing tissue swelling changes that are noticeable, bone fractures or breaks or open wounds to area being stretched
possible negative side effects: not done correctly can cause injury, so contraindications prevent this by avoiding PIR and RI in those instances.
Myofascial Release Therapy (MRT) is used to find adhesion lesions that occur in the muscle belly or the fascial surrounding the muscle bellies of multiple muscles in an area where many adhesion lesions form from repetitive use injuries, previous injuries, or other injury to remodel the scar tissue by breaking it down and reforming the scar tissue to align with the muscle fiber direction to give more range of motion, better circulation, and relief of the 'knot' or adhesion lesion that aches due to scar tissue in the muscle belly from injury. There are a series of five grades that are used but nobody uses grade 5, so it involves 4 grades of short belly length of 5 pin and stretch on each muscle adhesion, or long length of muscle belly in stretched position with 5 pin and stretch on muscle adhesion, and then the other 2 grades involve a passive and active movement from short to long each with 5 pin and stretch techniques on each muscle adhesion. This is to be done before light stretching and exercise to activate the break down of the scar tissue and use the body's own inflammatory response to rebuild the fibers along the direction of the muscle belly towards the heart. Not to be done on each muscle adhesion lesion within 48 hours. Can be done up to 10 sessions and in combination with stretching or any modality of massage, but can be painful and is targeting the deeper muscle fibers, not the tendons or ligaments, for that would need cross fiber friction massage therapy (XFM).
Benefits: muscle trauma, muscle spasms, pain trigger points
Contraindications: dehydration, local site wounds, sores, sensitive skin, thin skin, cuts, burns, rash, fever, rashes, infection, some mental disorders, nausea, epilepsy, pregnant, aneurism history, cancer, psychosis, numbness in limbs, limb numbness, nerve tingling, nerve pain, difficulty breathing, ragged breathing, trouble breathing, heart disease, circulatory problems, blood pressure problems, blood clots, blood embolisms, thrombosis
Possible negative side effects: can cause muscle soreness for a few days from breaking apart adhesions and pressure used.
The Massage Negotiator
1973 Foothill Parkway, suite 110, PMB 2, Corona, CA 92881